Tuesday, January 24, 2012

First Post: Testing the new blog!

This is the church's website where our family has built a community of friendships and  I am privileged to work as Director of Serving. What to expect when you visit should be up on the site soon. This was one of my first video taping experiences.To keep my focus I imagined looking at a new family who just moved to Wichita. I did not have a make-up artist on stand-by, or a much needed can of hairspray for KS. wind but hey, we like to keep it real out here on the prairie. I have come to love the people of Kansas as much as my family and friends in Ontario and places in between.

Check out my Pinterest boards where I unwind and network with the likeness of other creative friends. If I make or create at least one thing a month I figure I am not living a virtual life. It makes for great conversations when meeting with friends and we are never short of something to talk about- although that is not usually an issue I suffer from. Now I can talk via a blog and develop my listening skills. Well tomorrow is a work-out morning so time to sign off or that will never happen.